Monday, January 28, 2013


Salam everone every monday i will keep goin to update about information technology lately i so busy so the update lately will be made after monday sorry...Now the update about the learning outcome in chaptre 7....

1. Define the fundamental concept of the relational database model ?
 A database maintain information about the various types of objects (inventory), events (transaction),     people (employees) and places (ware houses)

  • Hierarchical database model - information is organized into a tree-like structure that allows repeating information using parents or child relationship in such a way that it cannot have too many relationship. It will were widely used in the first mainframe databases managements systems. 
  • Network database model - is a flexibility way of representing objects and their relationship. 
  • Relational databases model - is a type of databases that store information in the form of logically related two dimensional tables. Two dimensional means that in one web or network we can know many things in many way not just focus in one section. For example, Facebook social network is not focus only in one function but in Facebook if we click in other function the pages will proceed to other function in the same time without need to open new tab.

cube is one way to illustrate relations among data as it helps to visualize data intersections. While it is easiest for us to picture a three-dimensional cube, a relational database stores data in many dimensions. 

We can think of dimensions as the entry points into the data or those business concepts we will use to slice and dice our data. In some organizations, dimensions are referred to as entities.

Many customers will buy many products in many stores at many times. We will call this type of data relationship a many-to-many relationship. In many-to-many relationships we use dimensional keys to organize the data. Look for the keys in the dimensional model at above.
  • PrimaryKey..................................................................................................................................... 
  • The primary key is unique to each row or record in our database and its value should not change over time.
  • A primary key is often a consecutive or random number assigned to the record as it enters the database. 
  • A primary key can also be made up of components of other fields in the table.
  • The primary key is used for indexing the table to make it more efficient to search, sort, link and perform other operations on the data. 
  • If we review the market dimension we find that each store key is unique. no two stores can have the same store key. Although it might seem that we could use store name as a unique means of identifying each store, we have  different stores with different addresses, states, regions, etc.
  •  ForeignKeys..................................................................................................................................
  • So the foreign keys in the fact table must have counterparts in the dimension tables to which it refers. This requirement of relational databases is called referential integrity.
  •  If you spend a great deal of time talking with data modellers you may come across a few more terms having to do with keys, such as composite keys and concatenated keys. Every fact table in a relational database has a composite key. 
  • This is the primary key for the fact table and it is usually made up of a combination of the foreign keys maintained in the fact table. These foreign keys are concatenated (linked together into a single entry) into a primary key for the fact table.
2. Evaluation the advantages of the relation databases model.

  • Increased flexibility - can manipulated the information or present in many way and in the different shape.
  • Increased scalability and performance - it will be happened in the organisation
  • Reduced information redundancy - the information will be sharing for many other people e.g, in university condition, information about student need to shared with other lecturer and staff about university.
  • Increase information integrity (quality) - information that get a similar source to spread the information without the information will void from fraud and quality information is liable.
  • Increase information security - information that have quality and the security.
3.  Define a databases management system and its relationship to a website
A databases management system is a software through which users and application programs interact with a databases. The user send request and performs the actual manipulation of the information in the databases. Two primary ways can interact with databases management system in terms of : a) directly b) indirectly
4. Explain why an organisation would to integrate its databases
Data integration refers to the organization’s inventory of data and information assets as well as the tools, strategies and philosophies by which fragmented data assets are aligned to support business goals.

company want to integrate its database because they will connect,communicate,dealing and having relation with its customer everyday. Everyday its customers will open the webpage and search anything appear on the page. Therefore, if the product still available or not available the supplier must inform the customers immediately.Publish the information on the web page to make the customers realize that the product exist or not in the market. Then, when the customers got information they will not too disappointed and not waiting too long. Customers satisfy, the business relationship between sellers and customers will be good


  Organization is important to gain the objective of the company. Example of organization structures.

  • This person will responsible for overseeing for the uses of information technology
  • It ensuring the strategic alignment of IT with business goals and objectives
  • The jobs will reports all the activities in organization directly to the CEO
  • CTO also must be a person that have understanding of every aspect of an organization
  • The capability in IT must be the main power to be a CTO
  • Other function of CTO:- 
    • MANAGER - Ensure the delivery of all IT  projects, on time and within budget
    • LEADER - Ensure the strategic vision of IT is in line with the strategic vision of the organization
    • COMMUNICATOR- Advance and communication the IT strategy by building and maintaining strong executive relationship
  • CTO also need to enhance customer satisfaction ahead of their concern of any specific aspects of IT
  • Responsible for ensuring the through, speed, accuracy, availability, and reliability of an organization in IT
  • Direct responsibilities for ensuring the efficiency of IT system 
  • CTO will posses well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of IT
  • Runs the organization’s engineering group
  • Uses technology to enhance the company’s product offerings
  • Focuses on external customers (buyers)
  • Collaborates and manages vendors that supply solutions to enhance the company’s product(s)
  • Aligns the company’s product architecture with business priorities
  • Develops strategies to increase the company’s top line (revenue)
  • Has to be a creative and innovative technologist to be successful
  • To ensuring the security of IT systems
  • Developing strategies in IT
  • Make sure the IT safeguards against attacks from hackers and viruses
  • Lead operational risk management activities to enhance the value of the company and brand.
  • Oversee a network of security directors and vendors who safeguard the company's assets, intellectual property and computer systems, as well as the physical safety of employees and visitors.
  • Identify protection goals, objectives and metrics consistent with corporate strategic plan.
  • Manage the development and implementation of global security policy, standards, guidelines and procedures to ensure ongoing maintenance of security. Physical protection responsibilities will include asset protection, workplace violence prevention, access control systems, video surveillance, and more. Information protection responsibilities will include network security architecture, network access and monitoring policies, employee education and awareness, and more.
  • Work with other executives to prioritize security initiatives and spending based on appropriate risk management and/or financial methodology.
  • Maintain relationships with local, state and federal law enforcement and other related government agencies.
  • Oversee incident response planning as well as the investigation of security breaches, and assist with disciplinary and legal matters associated with such breaches as necessary.
  • Work with outside consultants as appropriate for independent security audits.

  • Responsibility for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information within an organization
  •  Created to respond to both consumer concern over the use of personal information, including medical data and financial information, and laws and regulations.
  • Evaluating legislative and regulatory proposals involving collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the Federal Government. 
  • Conducting a privacy impact assessment of proposed rules of the Department or that of the Department on the privacy of personal information, including the type of personal information collected and the number of people affected.
  • Coordinating with the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

  • (CKO) is an organizational leader, responsible for ensuring that the organization maximizes the value it achieves through "knowledge". 
  • The CKO is responsible for managing intellectual capital and the custodian of Knowledge Management practices in an organization. 
  • CKO role is much broader, that can help an organization maximize the returns on investment in knowledge (people, processes and intellectual capital), exploit their intangible assets (know-how, patents, customer relationships), repeat successes, share best practices, improve innovation, and avoid knowledge loss after organizational restructuring.
  • CKO must have skills across a wide variety of areas. 
  • They must be good at developing/understanding the big picture, advocacy (articulation, promotion and justification of the knowledge agenda, sometimes against cynicism or even open hostility), project and people management (oversight of a variety of activities, attention to detail, ability to motivate), communications (communicating clearly the knowledge agenda, have good listening skills and be sensitive to organizational opportunities and obstacles), leadershipteamwork, influencing, and interpersonal skills
  • The CKO who successfully combines these skills is well equipped as an excellent agent of change for their organization.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Measuring The Success Of Strategic Initiatives

How Facebook can be effective and efficient as a platform to set-up online business.

First, we need to know IT effectiveness matrix and efficiency matrix.

IT Effectiveness Matrix:
  • Effectiveness is related to doing the right things.
  • It is more to intangible which is not easy to see, touch, calculate, define, determine and realize.
  • It also measure the impact IT has on business process and activities including customer satisfaction.
  • How well the organization achieve its goals and objectives and ensuring they accomplished.

IT Efficiency Matrix:
  • Efficiency is related to doing the things right.
  • It is more to tangible which is easy to see,touch,calculate,define,determine and realize.
  • It also measure the performance of the IT system itself including throughput, speed, availability and flexibility.
  • How far the company can using their resources such as capital, assets, facilities or technology system to achieve it goals. 
  • For example, a company already have a formal web and now they want to create news letter that can be generate everyday for their customers.

So, if i have a chance, i would like to set up an online jersey shop. So, what can facebook help me in my business?

  1. There are so many facebook users in this wonderful world. So, i can have a bigger prospect to sell my jersey. i also have many friends in facebook, which can help me by buyinmg my jersey and do little promotion.
  2. Promote my jersey through a popular facebook groups or page.  I can place my advertisement on the popular pages like Oh! Media network to make my shop more popular. Again, my friends also can support me by helping me to promote my shop to their friends.
  3. Every updates of my product will be announced to the customer, with complete details of the product like size and measurement. So, easier for the customers to buy from me.
  1. I must keep my promise to my customers. Which I must deliver their order at the right place and at the right time.
  2. I also will let them know my personal facebook, which can help them dealing with me if problem happen.